One leg at a time...
There are moments within each day where I find myself inspired by the noise that surrounds me. Creativity is a precocious little lady and she will lift her skirt up and twirl around the room, tapping her mary janes together incessantly if you let her. I have found it best to allow her the freedom to sing at the top of her lungs or plunge her hand into the bucket, forcing paint deep into her nail bed. After all, when she smiles, I find it difficult to oppress the corners of my mouth into the frowning position.
There is one, giant, overwhelming challenge I have discovered which accompanies my willingness to serve as guardian to lady creativity. She lacks a certain decorum and focus which at times inspires brilliance and at others...supports dissension among the ranks. Never being one for conflict or enforcement, I am beginning to think of myself as a lady in need of assistance. Thankfully, many authors and artists alike are here to help my efforts of honing in and harnessing talents that could send creativity flying into space, shattering the very beauty from whence she came.
In my searching, I found an article about a 365 day: Creative Journal. Many people around the globe are adopting the philosophy that creativity not only fosters a healthier mindset but a healthier future as well. One of the most important notions, as apparently, I am in the business of slinging opinions this evening, is that "art" can be pivotal and significant. It can express eons of emotion and shake foundations into eventual movement. But "art" can also be seemingly insignificant as well.
Often, the perception determines the value, if allowed. Artist know better and find confidence that the value is intrinsic in nature. For now, this artist feels pretty freaking stoked to be opening herself up to the process.