"That's what your 20's are for. You're 30's are to learn your lessons. You're 40's are to pay for the drinks."
I turned 30 years old 11 months ago. I always thought turning 30 would be a more significant event for me. I thought my mentality would change and I would begin to manifest those changes in my lifestyle. It seems...I am a little late to the party on this one. I am fairly certain that it is impeccably less fashionable to arrive 11 months late than say, 20 minutes but alas, I am here. Traffic was a bitch.
A whole gamut of things to "blame" but much time has been wasted expressing my thoughts on that topic so I'm choosing to move on. Thirty passed me by but lately, she's rounded the corner and she is an insistent little thing.
Although my over-active mind has always allowed me to fantasize about living out my ideals in big ways, my ability to procrastinate has aided me well in my pursuits of not actually doing anything. Lately though, the fire in my belly has reached a boiling point. Action is now, simply put, unavoidable.
Netflix on demand is a lovely invention. An invention that has allowed me to indulge my love for all things documentary about food, health, global warming, the food industry, etc.. My perfect escape from what I know I need to do and what I don't know how to do is to watch other people do it. Somehow, I trick myself, if only for a hour or so, into feeling engaged and involved.
Recently, I had my blood pressure taken and it was high. Just typing this sentence makes me realize that I am not a kid anymore. The fact that I'm even thinking about my blood pressure and in turn, writing about it, is mind blowing to me. My first thought when she told me? No shit. No shit my blood pressure is high. I could have told you that without the dial. Living in a near constant state of stress tends to do that to a person. Now, I know that I've always been a little "keyed up" but since my move to Florida, it's been encompassing.
In an effort to calm my mind by calming my body and learn to let the shit go and focus on the farmer's market....I'm gonna put my ideals in action and start the wheels turning. I am choosing to make my triumphs (and struggles) public here on my blog so that I can share my experiences on the road to equilibrium.