Wednesday, September 23, 2009

God Ordained Moments

Old Friends + New Questions = Clarity

I feel alive.  On fire.  Ready to begin making changes.  Ready to stop answering to anyone but God and His ultimate plan.  

As I sat and chatted with my good friend Andrea today, she asked me a question that seriously turned my thinking up a notch.  I have thought about our conversation all day and now I know why it touched me so deeply.  You know how when you're looking for something in your house or apartment and you're blood starts to boil over with frustration because you KNOW it's there but you just can't seem to find it.  Then, because you feel so lost, you start talking to friends about it and someone asks if they can help you.  Isn't it just about the most liberating and hilarious feeling in the world when they are able to walk into your now overturned how and find that one thing you've been searching for with seemingly no effort at all?!  

Yep.  Dead on.  That's how my conversation was with Andrea today. There I sat blabbering about how I just felt like God was wanting something more from me, like I wasn't following what He wanted.  Then, Andrea asked the question that I haven't even known to ask myself.  She said, "What do you feel like God is asking of you, Liz?"  Or something to that effect - she reads this so I don't want to misquote her :).  

It was as if someone pointed me down the right direction on a forked road that I'd been wandering for years now.  I left feeling, no, knowing that this conversation was ordained by God.  He knew this would come eventually if He brought Andrea and I's paths back together.  Now, I can only hope I am able to do the same for her at some point :)!

Thank you, Jesus.
Thank you for clarity, for humility and for the option to be myself around those that love you.


  1. Love this post! We need to catch up does the time go so quickly?!

  2. It's funny because the rest of yesterday I felt like God was telling me "Do you think I just happened to have you see Liz again in Marsh. That was ordained by me and I am using this to do great things for me." Silly me just being excited about getting to hang out when all this time it wasn't about me. :) Who knew right!
