From excitement to decision to realization...
On March 12th, I sat with Robot in her apartment and talked through the possibility of packing up and making the move down south. At that point, my mind was racing about as quickly as it ever has as I fired off questions and what-ifs in her direction. It seems like within hours, I knew, if only in the back of my mind, that this was a legitimate possibility. A day later, as I sat squirming in my seat at SRQ, I knew that a change was coming with an organic motion behind it that was undeniable.
Using various songs, conversations and of course, pivotal quotes, the decision was birthed and nurtured to it's current state. There was a certainty in my soul that I have felt few times prior and I had to follow that certainty with every ounce. I remember thinking that this change was most likely going to rock my world more than I could conger and I think I can safely say, I was right.
I have yet to move a thing to Florida and already, the changes have been flowing...
Somewhere across the street, I got distracted by the brightness of the crossing guard's vest and froze a bit. The freezing commenced and although defrosting beckoned me in the form of positive thoughts and supportive individuals, I continually threw myself back into the path of old man winter.
Well, break out the ice picks and blow dryers because the unearthing of my calm has arrived. This experience is not one to be clouded by a negative nancy demeanor and a heavy brow. My experience, while it may have a different get up than I expected at it's inception, will be beautiful and tangled and chalked full of laughter. Of this, I am certain.
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