Lately, I have been feeling under the weather. I have had the pleasure of hosting a wicked kidney infection for which my patience is running quite thin. I began my second round of antibiotics today which doesn't exactly make me happy however, I feel as though my hands are tied. As per usual when I have time to think think think, I thought my way around the recent months while attempting to rest off this infection today.
I am fairly certain that the high fever I've been rocking has something to do with my impeccable ability to over think the little details of life. However, I must give credit where credit is due and thank God for the ability to critically think about one's actions and decisions. Turn on NPR or scroll through the various news channels assaulting the waves and you're sure to see evidence that there are, in fact, individuals that do not house the ability to critically evaluate their actions or decisions. A sad but painfully true reality.
I am confident that there will never be a time in my life where I will be living 100% in accordance with my ideals. Simply stated, that is just an impossible feat. However, I could be doing a heck of a lot better and that's where the juice comes in. Why in the heck would a person find it necessary to take a photo of recently purchased fruit juice and post it on their blog? One defense could be the fever. In all seriousness, I realized today, as I seemingly unsuccessfully nursed my body back to health, that I had stumbled a bit when it came to my values on the treatment of the earth and my body. So...instead of running out to the grocery and grabbing juice from concentrate, I treked to the store and took my time picking out juice that was actually... juice. In addition to the nutritional content, the juice is bottled in glass which while it takes a ton of energy to create, glass can be reused endlessly which lends itself to numerous reincarnations in my household.
I enjoy being relaxed and living my life in a manner where the little things remain little. However, I also feel that a certain amount of apathy has creeped in which is a reality I have the power to change... as well as the motivation. Thank the fever, the infection or the universe.
I'm going to go drink my juice.
You feeling better??