Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Enjoy the Ride!

Breath, Calm Down, Enjoy the Ride...

I cannot count how many times I have gotten this exact advice! If you know me, you know that I have a tendency to be thinking miles and miles ahead of myself on this road I'm traveling. Always thinking about the future, always checking and re-checking myself to make sure that I'm making the "right" decision, the decision that will get me to where, exactly? My tendency to want to flash forward has prevented me from slowing down and enjoying life's little gifts, at times.

Not always riddled with this tendency, I have been blessed with so many awesome days free of worry. Just so were clear...I have had a lot of fun in my life :). For some reason though, I come back to true north and the planning begins again.

Recently, I've been able, for whatever reason to slow it down a bit and enjoy what life is offering me. Even with the stresses that are constantly being thrown into my life in regards to the economy and work and things of that adult nature, I am finding myself calm. Almost as if frozen, in peace, as the world continues to spin around my two little feet. This, my friends, is new for me. So new, in fact, that I've been sending up prayer after prayer after prayer thanking God and begging him to show me if my peace and confidence are in vain. After so many prayers, there remains this peace.

And I remain...thankful. Thankful that the spinning plates of timing, maturity and a fresh perspective have all seemed to nestle into a very nice balancing act.

Thank you God, for your blessings, for the peace I have in my soul, for the confidence I have in you and others


  1. It is really cool that you have found that peace Lizzy! It is such a wonderful place to be! I can feel you on the "thinking miles and miles ahead of myself" too. In fact, I'm trying to fight that right now and just trust in His leading and guiding my steps. I have a great tendency to over analyze and worry. However, a lesson I learned when I first came to the Academy - due to other life situations - was to follow peace in my decision making. Then, I learned how many Scriptures actually tell us to pursue peace! Good stuff and praise God!
