Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A change is gonna come...

"We must exit our environment and willingly immerse ourselves in foreign experiences to
acquire the smallest, most miniscule knowledge about who we are
and what we will become."

As strange as it may sound, I have gained a tremendous amount of perspective about myself along the mini journey of my current vacation in Sarasota. Over indulgent and incredibly blessed, I have spent the days here with my good friend and for that, I am thankful. Moments birthed in laughter have grown and matured into moments of silence, contemplating those who have broken the surface and discovered worlds beyond. Moments of honesty spewed forth in the unlikely locations of seaside eateries where barnacles and sand tempted the pallet not. So this list that follows, a tribute to minds opening even in the shadows of slamming doors. This list, a olive branch to the universe and future endeavors blessed by the God I choose to worship. This list a a good bye to the oppressive and indignant individuals I once allowed to poison the path.

A camping trip in Alaska (with a defense of sorts against intimidating wild life)
A cafe small, but packing serious culinary punch. Not lame, not fading, timeless.
My words. In print. On shelves. In libraries.
A music filled home that vibrates with sounds of those here and gone that rock our world.
An embraceable peace between myself, God and the universe.
Friendly goats from which wicked goat cheese will be created.
Horseback riding.
Sandal wearing.
A wardrobe made with my own two hands. Stylish, not frumpy. Ingenious.
Chemical free products. Not because it's cool. Because this world is not mine to abuse.
Relaxed Shoulders.
If meat, then choose well.
A blinding love.
Well founded fear as opposed to irrational.

The beginning of this list only. More to come, of this, I am certain.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the list! And how very strange, that, as I was walking on campus this morning, I thought to myself "Andy and I need to come up with a list of the things we want to do in our life". Then, I read your blog.

    We are kindred spirits, LB.
