Sunday, November 21, 2010

All sorts of gifts...

Unwrapping can get complicated at times...

Recently, I chatted with some other Florida "transplants" about how it can be difficult to get in the holiday spirit in a climate that remains fairly moderate and steadfast. The humidity has definitely calmed down (a gift that I hadn't thought to write about but a gift indeed) but the bone chilling cold I am accustomed to the season bringing is still no where to be found. As I sit here, with both doors open, allowing the breeze to bellow in one door and out the other, I am stuck somewhere between incredibly thankful and incredibly torn. I love this weather and am thankful for it but the holiday spirit is hard to find in the sand and sun. At least for a northern little one.

While dropping a bag of goodies at Goodwill yesterday, I decided to bring the holiday spirit to me. (Bonus: I was able to do this and stay within my goals of only buying used - thank you Goodwill!)

Gift number one:

Although this little tree packed some serious holiday cheer and I felt like I was checking things off of my to-do list like crazy (rent, library books, goodwill drop-offs), I was hungry and I was ready to be home. Add that to the fact that I am not smoking and you have a good old fashioned recipe for road rage. As I rounded the corner into my courtyard, holiday tree in hand, I saw my screen door propped open. I hurriedly opened the box and realized that another gift had arrived. And so...I pulled up my shirt sleeve...took a breath....and said a big fat THANK YOU to Florida and God for helping me out something fierce.

Gift number two:

With my new adhesive assistance, my mood improved quickly and with some short research online, I found out that a) I no longer have to take my recycling with me once a week to work and b) I don't have to pay for curbside recycling at my apartment. What's option "c"? I can simply take my recycling once a week to a drop box a few blocks from my house and done and done. I realized I had a bin tucked away in my closest and since storage is precious in a studio...the bin is now the home for my recycling...on my porch.

Gift number three:

The last gift may seem small and somewhat foolish to many. If you are anything like me or you know me well at all, you are aware that I rarely "settle" unless I feel an assurance that settling is a right and solid choice. Add the fact that music and all those greats I love are most certainly the integral part of my settling and you'll understand why this was...

Gift number four:

"Hand print of God on the small of my back..."

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