Monday, November 15, 2010

Obstacle Number One

Honesty is the best policy...

Not surprisingly, my friends and family have been supportive of this little change-a-roo I'm attempting with some BIG lifestyle adaptations. I pretty much feel like the luckiest little lady on earth, what with people supporting me through these little changes that some may feel have no true effect on the world in general.

Contrary to what some brilliant minds think, I am a huge believer in the fact that everyone making little changes can lead to big changes felt throughout the world. A domino effect. After all, complacency breeds complacency.

I have been so diligent about posting about the parts of my little project that are going well that I thought it only fair to post about the part that wasn't going so well. Drum roll please...the SMOKING. I am fairly certain, as I sit fluttering away on this keyboard that the fact I am having trouble quitting surprises all zero of my friends and family. Not because there is no faith in me because I am, at times, humbled by others' faith in who I am. More so because if you know me at've heard the commitment....from me....about a zillion times before.

I am humbled by this problem because I know, intellectually that smoking is simply needless. That the habit itself is disgusting and that there are no positive effects. I get it. I do, I do! I suppose though, I don't expect anyone to believe that I get it because I still haven't kicked the habit. I am doing "better" but what is better when you're talking about a life threatening habit. Better just isn't good enough. And so...tonight...after years of clucking on and on about how I didn't need any help because I was strong enough to do it on my own...I got help.

Thank God for altruistic people with large endowments (Michael Scott, you would know what to say here.) I called the Florida quit line and in less than a week...I will be the proud owner of that nicotine patch system! Finally swallowed the pride and to be honest it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. So thank you, Jan, my quit coach representative who was so nice and helpful on the phone this evening. Hopefully my insistent "I can do this on my own but I'd like to "try" this out" personality didn't make you want a cigarette when we got off the phone! Hahaha.