Friday, September 11, 2009

From Debbie Cakes to God

Did that really just happen?

First things first, it's time for a confession so hold on to your seats, people!  In all seriousness, I must confess that for the last couple of years, I have been treating my body really badly. I am usually not drawn to foods that are bad for me but if I'm in a hurry, they are most definitely the first thing I reach for!  I guess, in some ways, I could be described as impatient - HA!  I feel like I can hear the roars of laughter from family and friends about the fact that I said "some ways" in that last statement!  Okay, okay, I am a very impatient person.  I am working on it but one mountain at a time, geez!  In addition to some poor dietary choices, I tend to have awesome intentions for working out five times a week which usually dwindles to one or two when it's all said and done.  Although I have proudly kicked the smoking habit, when there's stress, I sometimes choose weakness and give in.  

After work last night, as I was attempting to tire myself out so that when I went to bed I could fall fast asleep, I was watching some show on Discovery Health called "Trauma, Life in the ER."  I love how I wrote that like it's some new show; I am sure everyone but me has seen it countless times.  

As I sat here and watched the stories of these individuals, one story struck me really deeply.  A husband was body surfing and somehow something happened and he was brought to the hospital paralyzed from the neck down.  It was so difficult to watch the doctors tell he and his family that this would most likely be permanent (I of course was my normal emotional self and sat here tearing up).  At that point, I stopped and prayed for he and his family; I know, I know, this episode was probably years and years old but I just felt compelled to pray for them.  

God worked and worked on my heart from that point on until I fell asleep about the choices I make everyday that treat my body disrespectfully.  Here I am, with every chance to live healthfully and I choose not to just because I'm in a hurry or stressed out or feeling overwhelmed.  That's just crazy talk, people and I am making the commitment today to stop it!  Why on earth I would find myself leaning on something like a debbie cake when I have a God that can handle all things is beyond me!!  Seeing as how that plan just seems idiotic, today I will trust that if my God can part the sea, I think He help me part from bad eating habits!  

My commitments:
1) I will not choose badly because "I am having a bad day and just can't be bothered with choosing well."
2) I will plan ahead for meals because I get caught when I don't.  
3) I will remember that God has given this body to me as a gift and I need to do a much better job of taking care of it!
4) I will pray through my times of weakness with poor choices both with eating and other detrimental habits I've formed over the years.
5) I will begin to work out because I want to maintain or improve this temple, not because I want to look like Sandra Bullock.  What?!  It could happen Ha Ha.  

Please pray for me because I am guessing, come tomorrow, I'll want a debbie cake :).  

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for tempting you... :\ You and I can be accountable to each other. I know I need to make the same commitments you are. <3 :)
