Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Too good not to be from God...

Life is defined as : the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growthreproductionfunctional activity, and continual change preceding death.

It sounds so simple, doesn't it?  Put together into a clean sentence.  One sentence defines life, according to Oxford Dictionary.  When you really sit and ponder it, when you extract just one set of the many clarifying words in this seemingly clean sentence, things get complicated and exciting all at the same time.  "Functional Activity."  What does it really mean to function in our world today?  The answer is the truly complicated part of this question.  The answer is that it takes something different and equally beautiful for each of us to "function" in this world we live in.  

In the last month, God has turned so many things in my life, so many habits, so many thoughts into different things, habits and thoughts.  It's amazing how quickly He works!  On Sunday, as I drove home from Andrea and Jason's house, I had to take some time, in the quiet, with the radio off to simply stand in aw of Him and His work in my life.  So much more to say about this in entries to come...

I finish my entry tonight having confidence in the fact that after almost 29 years of searching and scratching and trying on and taking off, I have finally stopped myself long enough to hear God's calling. I have finally stopped my own thoughts long enough for God to reveal to me what it's going to take for me to "function" in this world around me and be able to lay my head down at night knowing that I am giving Him glory.   It's a peace I haven't experienced very often in life and man is it a deafening silence.  

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